Fri 03 Jan
Hung EXOTIC Beautiful SHEmale ready to intoxicate you ....9.5" FF AND Ready to SHOOT !!!! - 22
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas Strip)
=*=*=*= MASSAGE & JACUZZI TREATMENT =*= Avail All Nite =*= Best Quality =*= Avail NOW( IN/OUTcall) - 24
(San Diego, SD 805 freeway near North Park)
Im Back Hurry★ ———— Experience the BEST —— ★- Mistress Ashley Warning Hot Hot!!! - 23
(San Diego, Downtown)
✄--- CUT Out The FAKES ( Best Rates) !Irresistible BLONDE Beauty* PLAYMATE $$ in call only 120 hour - 23
(, providence)
Transexual Passable Ts Latina/Italian wants to be Ur Lil Secret Tonight !! - 20
(Las Vegas, OUTCALL/incall ??)
❝ EXoTIC SHe.male BuSTY*HUNG {dominant & SUBmISSIVE] CeRTIFIED 9in.. Just Arrived - 25
✅✅✅✅ UPSCALE TRANSSEXUAL MODEL ✅✅✅✅ Serious Upscale Gentlemen Only - 27
(Las Vegas, near The Rio Casino)
♥ all U GIRL UsE TO talk sO MucH shiT Now WhaT iM officially SIN CITYBaddEst PUertO rikAN> - 21
(SIN ciTY)
INCALL SPECIALS!!! ;)this blonde bombshell is new in town! - 21
(Pittsburgh, Southside incalls 24/7)
♥ Hot, Sweet, & everything you NEED! ♥ Brunette Girl NexT Door ♥ I can be to you quick! ♥ Reviewed ♥ - 24
GoUrGeoUs PerSiaN AmeRiCaN★Y♥U WiILL L♥VE MY SKiLLS ★[××] PANIES [××] OFF★★op3n 24/7 - 24 R - 24
(Central/South Phoenix, CHANDLER)
New here Busty brazilIan mamí whit 11 reason of Love TS kimberly 786*719*8274 - 24
(Phoenix, Scott dale holdtonw)
█ * * * ★ YOUR NEW *BRuNeTTe* ADDICTION!!! ★ Call Now ★ * * * █ - 19
(Phoenix, TEMPE--I-10 && BASELINE)
WARNING!!! Will be HIGHLY ADDICTING ... Well Reviewed ...Easter Specials Today - 40
(East Valley, PHX/CHND/TMP)
Wanted outcall massage for North Scottsdale Mon/Tue..have own table - 62
(East Valley, North Scottsdale - Pima/Troon)
°♡ Native American| Spanish Mix °♡° Exotic & Sensual ♡° - 19
(__((**i10 & Broadway TEMPE*INCALLS**))__)
***** SpAnK Me Ive BeeN A BaD GuRL!!!!!!! ***** HoT N SeXy BruNeTTe AvAiLabLe All NiGhT!!! - 26
(Phx North, Phoenix)
Sexy Petite & Natural Beauty! Sure to make Your Day Or Nite! **UpScale Rates** Up ALL NITE!! - 27
(East Valley, OUTCALL ValleyWide-Most Areas)
(Phx North, OUTCALL ONLY!)
:-_S_E_X _Y •-:¦:-•UPSCALE__ H_O_T_T_I_E ____+ A +___ M_U_S_T_ • •__ S_E_E _-:¦ - 21
(Phx North, North Scottsdale)
NeW SeXy HoTTie ((((YouR EXoTic BRUNETTE TEMPTATION AWAITS!!)) 100%Me or Free - 22
(PHEONIX off Hwy 202/SCOTTSDALE RD**Tempe)
new🔻 PIX💙👅💙↪will UR wife will MIND me $UCKING UR ❌iCK? IT'S bout time u GET IT DONE right!↩💙👅💙Payton - 30
(Central/South Phoenix, TEMPE➡➡➡➡baseline & kyrene ⬅⬅⬅⬅ location)
»-♥-» N - E - W ♥ H - O - T ♥ H - O - N - E - Y »-♥-» - 35
(Central/South Phoenix, 7th street and Highland)
My nickname should Slurpee!!! Nubian Princess. northwest valley. 100 apples ONE time deal - 19
(incall glendale west phoenix)
🎊LeTs MaKe FiReWoRks🎉oUtCaLl SpECiAlS🎊DDs GrEaT BoDy🎉 - 29
(Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix, 🌹OUTcalls oNlY🌹No InCall🌹)
***** It's Friday And I Live For The Weekend ***** your latina girlfriend
(north valley my place or yours)
I Am SMaLL .... & TaKiNg iT ALL.!!!!! ( BEauTIFUL EBONY GIRL )!!!.. Available 24/7 - 20
(i-10 exit CHANDLER blvd)
***Hot* Visiting* Light * Skinned * BRAZILIAN * BOMBSHELL * Up * And * Ready * To * Play*** - 20
(north phx I/C valleywide O/C)
) I____DO____IT ★ __W_A_Y __ ; __B_E_T_T_E_R__ (¯`´¯) COME CLOSE TO ME*** - 21
(central phoenix)
H☼t- H☼t -H☼t- O UTSTA ND I N G ALL ♥ NIGHT - 21
📱FACETIME sessions 🌃💫 late night💫🌃 SKYPE sessions 💻 (highly reviewed) - 24
(East Valley, Tempe (AZ MILLS))
cum have fun with a gorgeous blonde goddess 80 dollar special - 18
(chandler I-10 ray ext INCALLS ONLY)
cowgirl up --100 hhr outcall specials all week🐴🍭🍭 - 37
(Central/South Phoenix, East Valley, Phoenix, Phx North, Prescott, West Valley)
★*° D EFINITI ON °*OF*° SEXY - -:¦:★ ★ - 23
(The Heart of Phoenix (DOWNTOWN))
C.C. AccepTed💋TIRED of ∆ll the F∆kE PicS & F∆kE B*TcHeS??💋☎6024284707 - 25
(Ic & oc available, Phoenix, West Valley)
♡♥♡♥ Angel ♡♥♡♥ 《new location》available all evening for your needs 614~556~2076 - 20
(Columbus, west/ new location!)
(60short) Limited edition Lady here Truck Travelers Special - 22
(Columbus, 161/ truck travelers-150hr)
Shay Sights Porn Superstar Visiting Mar 15-25 Houston&Columbus; - 40
(Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus)
Tattoos DON'T lie!!!——— *NAUGHTii HOTTie* ———* A RaRe FInD in The NORTHEAST* ——————Dont Pass me by - 23
(Philadelphia, Ne phila)
Incalls/Outcalls All Night Long!!! 100% Real Pics!!! Let Me Give You Sweet Dreams!!! - 25
(Cleveland, Independence or Anywhere U R!!)
My hot body is waiting for u mmmm baby .... call me 21573908263 incalls - 29
(Philadelphia, Montgomery ct lansdale, Qaukertown, pa)
**GIA** Doing In Or Out Calls!! Taking Appt All Day!! $90 Ss In Call!!(440)319-0326** - 25
(Cleveland, Willoughby-In Anywhere-Out)
$70$°♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ° ♥ $70 SPECIAL! one time deal° ♥ ! Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ •Stacey ♥440 915 8868 $70$ - 19
(Cleveland, 90 east,306,271,rt2, INCALL,)
{ SuPer ThIcK fUlLy bUsTeD eBoNy rEaDy To hAvE PlAy } $25 $25 $25 specials all day/night - 22
(Greensboro, greensboro incalls on wendover)